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The Gonstead Technique: Precision in Chiropractic Care

Sep 02, 2024

Seeking a Gonstead chiropractor in Brisbane? Equilibrium Family Wellness has a special interest in this technique, and we’re here to help.

Among the various chiropractic methods available today, the Gonstead Technique is widely used for its precision and effectiveness with treating many spinal-related health concerns (1). But what exactly is this technique, and how might it benefit you?

What is the Gonstead Technique?


The Gonstead Technique is a natural, non-invasive chiropractic method developed in the 1920s by Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead.


It involves a thorough analysis of a patient’s spine to identify any misalignments (subluxations), that may be contributing to back pain or other health issues. This allows the chiropractor to apply precise, gentle movements to the spine - aimed at restoring proper alignment, alleviating pain, and improving the function of the nervous system, which plays a crucial role in overall health.


What Should I Expect in an Appointment?


The Gonstead Technique is just one possibility when it comes to chiropractic care, and we will tailor a treatment to suit your specific needs.


If it is determined to be suitable for you, we begin by conducting a thorough examination of your holistic health, including spinal X-rays and a physical assessment so we can identify specific areas of the spine that are out of alignment.


Armed with this knowledge, we then focus on precise adjustments to the specific vertebrae affected within your spine. The goal is to correct misalignments, which are believed to cause nerve interference and contribute to various health issues.


These adjustments are made with you lying on a special adjusting table, which allows us to position you in ways to make it easier to apply the adjustment with precision and control. You may hear a small joint release during these adjustments. This is simply due to the sudden change in joint pressure releasing gas bubbles, and is completely normal and harmless.


Your individual treatment plan may also include lifestyle modifications around posture, diet, exercise, stress management, and ergonomics.


What Symptoms Can It Help Treat?


By addressing spine misalignments, the Gonstead Technique has shown to be effective in:

  •         Relieving back pain and improving function (2)
  •         Reducing headaches and improving quality of life for headache sufferers (3)
  •         Alleviating neck pain and increasing range of neck motion (4)
  •         Improving symptoms of scoliosis (5)
  •         Sports injury recovery and prevention (6)
  •         Improving pelvic tilt or deficiency (7)
  •         Improving posture and flexibility (8)

By focussing on the root cause of these issues - spinal misalignment - patients may experience long-term relief and improved quality of life (3).

If your concerns are other back or neck problems unrelated to the spine, an alternative chiropractic technique may be a better option for you. We will assess and discuss this with you in your appointment.


How Our Gonstead Chiropractor in Brisbane Can Help You


At Equilibrium Family Wellness, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality care, using proven techniques like the Gonstead Technique to help you achieve optimal health. If you’d like to take charge of your health and live a pain-free life - book a consultation with our experienced chiropractor today.




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