Equilibrium Family Wellness is committed to the promotion of optimal health for all and recognises the impact of what ongoing, untreated injuries and pain can have on a person as well as their workplace.
Partnering with Corporate and Small Businesses across SEQ, Equilibrium and its partners are providing staff and family members the opportunity to achieve and maintain optimal health, that will benefit all.
Click the link below to arrange a time with Dr Richard Kashmiri
to discuss your organisational wellness needs.
Chiropractic is a highly effective treatment for low back pain, neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome/repetitive strain injury, joint pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, and many other conditions. Many of these debilitating conditions can lead to increased stress, decreased motivation for the individual and can result in increased sick days, remaining staff feeling overwhelmed and overworked, covering those off from illness, a decline in a happy work environment and, therefore, a decrease in productivity and profitability for the business.
It is these reasons Equilibrium Family Wellness has introduced a Workplace Wellness Program, providing SEQ busiensses with an employee centric approach in support of increased health of its staff and family, ensuring a positive culture within the workplace for the benefit of all.
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